Know any famous African-Americans that belong on this list? Please send your name requests to bhmaainfo at gmail dot com.
Henry Boyd (19th Century Carpenter/Businessman)
Herman Cain (CEO T.H.E. New Voice/Motivational Speaker)
Kenneth Chenault (CEO American Express)
Barney Ford (19th Century Hotel/Restaurant/Barbershop Businessman)
James Forten (18th Century Sail Loft Businessman)
Amos Fortune (18th Century Tanning Business)
Earl Graves (Founder and CEO Black Enterprise)
John H. Johnson (Founder Johnson Publishing)
Reginald Lewis (Lawyer/Founder TLC Beatrice)
Richard Parsons (Chairman and CEO Time Warner)
Aulena Peters (Laywer/Board of Directors John Deere)
Norma Merrick Sklarek (Architect/Businesswoman)
C.C. Spaulding (Former President North Carolina Mutual)
Franklin Thomas (Former President Ford Foundation)
Madame C. J. Walker (Hair Products/Beauty Mogel)
Faye Wattleton (President Planned Parenthood)
Clifton Wharton (Educator/Former CEO of TIAA-CREF)